The bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan facing domestic fight, her wife Souza left Hrithik home and separately living with his parents.
The couple has also fights earlier but resolved, this time little difficult for Hrithik and rumours that their might be chance of divorce, the couple has 10 year relationship but sadly most of time they have complicated sort of understanding.
Hrithik also busy in his Krish 3 movie promotion but seen as under stressed and leaving lonely, the family friends and relatives doing to clam down both sides and trying to resolve this matter.
The couple has also fights earlier but resolved, this time little difficult for Hrithik and rumours that their might be chance of divorce, the couple has 10 year relationship but sadly most of time they have complicated sort of understanding.
Hrithik also busy in his Krish 3 movie promotion but seen as under stressed and leaving lonely, the family friends and relatives doing to clam down both sides and trying to resolve this matter.
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